
The aim of this study is to investigate how Cebeci Askeri Sehitligi [Cebeci Military Martyrs’ Cemetery] and Ataturk ve Sehitler Aniti [Monument of Ataturk and Martyrs] in Ankara, which constitutes an integrated structure with the military cemetery, can be understood through an ethnographic perspective. Without assessing the relation between visitors and monuments as a one-dimensional context through which the messages of monuments are dictated to visitors, the paper also seeks to discuss how visitors personalize the monuments or monumental structures by means of their own individual and collective memories. This is why the study sees Cebeci Askeri Sehitligi not only as a military cemetery where the state crystallizes itself, but also as a graveyard. The way how the lost ones in Cebeci Askeri Sehitligi are represented, along with the differences and the similarities of these representations will be interpreted especially through the stones, the monuments and the spatial organization.

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