
Islamic Economics is a discipline is studying the behavior of human economic behavior are arranged based on the religion of Islam and tawheed with as it is based in the tenets of the faith and the tenets of Islam. All the rules that lowered the Almighty God in the Islamic sistem leads to the achievement of goodness, welfare, priority, as well as abolish evil, suffering and loss on the whole of his creation. Likewise with the economy, the goal is help humans achieve victory in the world and the hereafter. YaPEIM (Foundation of economic development Islam Malaysia) is one of the institutions that fght for the introduction of Islamic Economy concentrated in Malaysia. Embody the spirit of AL-’ ADL in the economy became the spirit of struggle of YaPEIM. This research is a Case Study in YaPEIM in Changloon, Kedah, Malaysia. This case Study presents what goals, decision-making, and economic activity from YaPEIM in establishing and developing the economy of Islam with the spirit of al-’adl. Keywords: Economics, Islam, al-‘adl, YaPEIM


  • a discipline is studying the behavior of human economic behavior are arranged based on the religion

  • as it is based in the tenets of the faith

  • All the rules that lowered the Almighty God in the Islamic sistem leads to the achievement of goodness

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Abstrak Ekonomi Islam ialah merupakan disiplin ilmu yang menpelajari perilaku ekonomi manusia yang perilakunya tersebut diatur berdasarkan agama Islam dan didasari dengan tauhid sebagaimana terdapat dalam rukun Iman dan Segala aturan yang diturunkan Allah SWT pada sistem agama Islam mengarah pada tercapainya kebaikan, kesejahteraan, keutamaan, serta menghapuskan kejahatan, kesengsaraan dan kerugian pada seluruh ciptaan-Nya. Demikian juga dengan ekonomi,tujuannya ialah membantu manusia mencapai kemenangan di dunia dan akhirat.YaPEIM (Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia) adalah salah satu lembaga yang konsen memperjuangkan berlakunya Ekonomi Islam di Malaysia. Semangat mewujudkan AL-’ADL dalam perekonomian menjadi ruh perjuangan dari YaPEIM.

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