
AbstractThe F‐22 Advanced Tactical Fighter Program has documented over 76,000 functional and design requirements in more than 231 hardware and software specifications during its Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) phase of development. Because of the complex and integrated nature of the requirements, it was necessary to develop an automated relational database tool in which to store, track and analyze these requirements.Besides selecting an electronic tool to use team wide, a process had to be developed for the requirements change process, along with metrics for the tool to generate, in order to monitor the process. The process had to be acceptable and nonintrusive to procedures already established at the three primary contracting companies of Locheed Martin Aeronautical Systems, Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems, and Boeing. The metrics needed to be easily collected and provide relevant data to the health and accuracy of the overall database.This paper documents the criteria which went into tool selection, the procedures established for tool use, and the metrics developed to monitor the process.

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