
As part of this project a data collecting system has been developed scanning all operating parameters every two minutes, and computing the average boiler efficiency at intervals of half an hour. The O2-content in the flue gas is measured by a zirconiumoxide cell with a response time of 3 milliseconds. At the same time the oil burner is adjusted to optimal combustion performance through a newly developed combustion control system, adjusting continously the combustion to a specific soot number. Another combustion control system has also been tried out. The results obtained from the project observations so far indicate that indiscriminate use of such combustion control systems is not recommendable. Where, e.g., the modulation frequence of a plant is very high, or where the combustion is abnormally poor, it would be unreasonable to use a combustion control system until the plant has been brought into a proper operating condition. The results obtained indicate clearly that a fuel saving in the order of 1% is attainable, even using an oil burner showing good combustion performances, provided that the adjustment of the combustion control system is based on a thorough determination of carbon concentrations in the flue gas.

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