
. The need of Ukrainian population in treating damaged parts of the tooth crown is 36-53 % of all patients, individually made root - casted cores are commonly used in practical dentistry. Using teeth roots for prosthesis has many advantages and allows to preserve integrity of the dentition, prevents premature atrophy of the alveolar bone and occurrence of dentoalveolar deformities. We have developed and practically implemented method of restoring tooth abutment by changing its axis in periodontal disease. During performing of the work we have carried out clinical examination of 127 patients with existing teeth and roots of teeth and periodontal disease. Defining of dentition parameters was performed by our method and by the proposed device, which determines angle of the root axis and its distance from the occlusal plane of dentition. As a result of our investigation, by measuring deviation of axis of crown tooth relatively dental arch, it was found that deviation from the axis in the vestibulo- oral direction prevailed within 3-7° in 1 degree of severity and 8-11° – in 2 degree of generalized periodontitis severity. By the results of measurements and X-ray examination one can assertain that roots with inclination of 3° to 15°, previously prepared endodontically, are suitable to restoration with adhesive root - crown systems as the base for orthopedic splinting constructions of dentures.


  • Ȼ ɨɪɬɨɩɟɞɢɱɧɿɣ ɫɬɨɦɚɬɨɥɨɝɿʀ ɪɨɡɜɢɜɚɸɬɶɫɹ ɧɨɜɿɬɧɿ ɦɟɬɨɞɢɤɢ ɥɿɤɭɜɚɧɧɹ ɩɚɰɿɽɧɬɿɜ, ɡɨɤɪɟɦɚ ɜɿɞɧɨɜɥɟɧɧɹ ɤɨɪɟɧɿɜ ɡɭɛɿɜ, ɹɤɿ ɜ ɦɢɧɭɥɨɦɭ ɩɿɞɥɹɝɚɥɢ ɜɢɞɚɥɟɧɧɸ

  • Ɉɬɪɢɦɚɧɿ ɞɚɧɿ ɡɚɧɨɫɢɥɢɫɹ ɜ ɪɨɡɪɨɛɥɟɧɭ ɧɚɦɢ «Ʉɚɪɬɭ ɨɛɫɬɟɠɟɧɧɹ ɯɜɨɪɨɝɨ ɡ ɞɟɮɟɤɬɨɦ ɤɨɪɨɧɤɨɜɨʀ ɱɚɫɬɢɧɢ ɡɭɛɚ». ȼɢɡɧɚɱɟɧɧɹ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪɿɜ ɪɨɡɬɚɲɭɜɚɧɧɹ ɡɭɛɿɜ ɩɪɨɜɨɞɢɥɢ ɡɚ ɪɨɡɪɨɛɥɟɧɨɸ ɧɚɦɢ ɦɟɬɨɞɢɤɨɸ ɬɚ ɡɚ ɞɨɩɨɦɨɝɨɸ ɡɚɩɪɨɩɨɧɨɜɚɧɨɝɨ ɩɪɢɫɬɪɨɸ, ɹɤɢɣ ɜɢɡɧɚɱɚɽ ɤɭɬ ɧɚɯɢɥɭ ɨɫɿ ɤɨɪɟɧɹ ɬɚ ɣɨɝɨ ɜɿɞɫɬɚɧɿ ɜɿɞ ɨɤɥɸɡɿɣɧɨʀ ɩɥɨɳɢɧɢ ɡɭɛɧɨɝɨ ɪɹɞɭ [4]

  • The use of adhesively attached post and cores in esthetic dentistry / Olivier Etienne, JeanClaude Schoeffler // ENDODONTIC PRACTICE

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Ȼ ɨɪɬɨɩɟɞɢɱɧɿɣ ɫɬɨɦɚɬɨɥɨɝɿʀ ɪɨɡɜɢɜɚɸɬɶɫɹ ɧɨɜɿɬɧɿ ɦɟɬɨɞɢɤɢ ɥɿɤɭɜɚɧɧɹ ɩɚɰɿɽɧɬɿɜ, ɡɨɤɪɟɦɚ ɜɿɞɧɨɜɥɟɧɧɹ ɤɨɪɟɧɿɜ ɡɭɛɿɜ, ɹɤɿ ɜ ɦɢɧɭɥɨɦɭ ɩɿɞɥɹɝɚɥɢ ɜɢɞɚɥɟɧɧɸ. Ɇɟɬɚ ɞɨɫɥɿɞɠɟɧɧɹ – ɩɿɞɜɢɳɟɧɧɹ ɟɮɟɤɬɢɜɧɨɫɬɿ ɥɿɤɭɜɚɧɧɹ ɩɚɰɿɽɧɬɿɜ ɡ ɞɟɮɟɤɬɚɦɢ ɬɜɟɪɞɢɯ ɬɤɚɧɢɧ ɡɭɛɿɜ ɿ ɡɚɯɜɨɪɸɜɚɧɧɹɦɢ ɩɚɪɨɞɨɧɬɚ, ɩɪɢ ɹɤɢɯ ɫɩɨɫɬɟɪɿɝɚɽɬɶɫɹ ɡɦɿɧɚ ɨɫɿ ɡɭɛɚ ɲɥɹɯɨɦ ɪɨɡɪɨɛɤɢ ɦɟɬɨɞɢɤɢ ɜɿɞɧɨɜɥɟɧɧɹ ɤɭɤɫɢ ɡɭɛɚ ɿɡ ɡɚɫɬɨɫɭɜɚɧɧɹɦ ɫɭɱɚɫɧɢɯ ɚɞɝɟɡɢɜɧɢɯ ɫɤɥɨɜɨɥɨɤɨɧɧɢɯ ɫɢɫɬɟɦ. Ɍɚɤɨɠ ɩɪɨɜɨɞɢɥɢ ɜɢɡɧɚɱɟɧɧɹ ɤɭɬɚ ɧɚɯɢɥɭ ɨɫɿ ɡɭɛɚ ɬɚ ɣɨɝɨ ɜɿɞɫɬɚɧɿ ɜɿɞ ɨɤɥɸɡɿɣɧɨʀ ɩɥɨɳɢɧɢ ɡɭɛɧɨɝɨ ɪɹɞɭ ɡ ɦɟɬɨɸ ɩɿɞɛɨɪɭ ɜɿɞɩɨɜɿɞɧɨɝɨ ɲɬɢɮɬɚ.

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