
The article underlines a leading role of intangible resources and assets in overall reserves of e-trade organization. Due to the fact that e-trade of entities using intangible resources have certain specific features affecting reliability of efficiency assessment the authors put forward a new method of assessing intangible resources efficiency, which can ensure the most precise evaluation. To choose a method of assessing intangible resources of e-trade organizations the following characteristics were taken into account: predominating share of intangible resources in the structure of overall reserves of the organization; the availability of non-identified intangible resources (usually they play an auxiliary role during other resource functioning); a bigger share of identified section of intangible resources in comparison with traditional trade; prevailing share of technologies in the structure of overall intangible resources. The authors grounded the expediency of using expert-sociological method of estimating intangible resources of etrade organization on the basis of their characteristics. This method provides an opportunity to include in the assessment the most important indicators of all key groups of stakeholders influencing the efficiency of intangible resources of e-trade organization, including the appraisal of industry experts and non-professional buyers. The method can provide splitting of indicators of intangible resource efficiency by groups of stakeholders and workingout the final integral assessment by all indicators being estimated.

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