
Abstract In recent years, it has become increasingly evident that existing information systems at the level of organizations do not allow for a performing management because they fail to capture a wide range of intangible resources, which represent one of the most important variables for the success and progress of any organization. As a result of the fact that the annual financial reporting cannot give a real basis for making accurate estimates of future cash flows that can be made by organizations, or of their associated risk, this article states the need to report intangible resources at the organizational level. The concept, content and advantages of an Intangible Resources Report (IRR) are presented, and in the final part of the article it is presented an example of IRR, detailed in a specific case for an intangible resource. This Intangible Resources Report has the advantage of providing a generous and documented framework for managing and disclosing intangible resource information for any type of organization. Through its implementation, it is possible to compare strengths and weaknesses in intangible resources for different organizations, becoming a good benchmark tool, thus facilitating the exchange of experience and learning in different areas of intangible resource management at the level organizations

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