
When teaching graphics to deaf and hard-of-hearing students at Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, traditional methods are combined with e-learning through using an e-course on descriptive geometry, available on http://ee.istu.ru. The introduction of new customized educational video lectures expands the prospects of using information and communication technologies and allows us to facilitate learning and self-study for hearing-impaired students. Materials and methods. The paper presents the preliminary results of a survey for hard-of-hearing students, whose training was organized through combining traditional methods with the elements of e-learning including methods based on the use of 3D models, and video lectures provided by a sign language translation and subtitles. The presented results are accumulated from tests, questionnaires and pedagogical observation. The results of the study. In order to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed methods, and their convenience and accessibility for students, a survey on students’ opinion about learning tools was conducted. Deaf and hard-of-hearing students demonstrated positive attitude toward provided video lectures with sign language interpreter and subtitles. Students noted that video lectures with the subtitles are easy to understand and can be compared with live explanation at the blackboard with the help of a sign language interpreter during in-class training. Introducing 3D models during the e-course helped students to conceive the shapes of surfaces, and provided visual clarity of the parts drawn. Conclusion. Modern methods of teaching graphic disciplines to hard-of-hearing students involve the use of visual materials, presented in the form of a workbook, presentations and three-dimensional models in the classroom, and materials of a distance course for students’ self-study outside the classroom. When developing video lectures for hard-of-hearing students, a thorough study of the material, both its content and methodological aspects of the organization of training and control is needed. It is also necessary to take into account special features of visual information perception by deaf and hard of hearing students, the speed and volume of information perception (the frequency of subtitles, the location of the screen with a sign language interpreter, etc.). Depending on the specific conditions and circumstances of training, one or another technique or their combination can be used.

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