
Relevance. At the moment, getting an education is not limited to attending higher educational institutions, the development of the Internet and the emergence of an increasing number of open and accessible online educational courses opens up new learning opportunities.Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to substantiate the need to format the education system of future computer science teachers based on the creation and use of open educational resources in their learning process.Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is based on the use of such research methods as analysis, synthesis, and actualisation applied in the framework of a pedagogical experiment.Results. The result of the study is the assessment of the degree of development of Internet technologies and educational resources aimed at ensuring the accessibility of education. The world experience of forming an optimal model of education, which is aimed at training future computer science teachers to create and use OER, has been considered. The results demonstrate that for the effective use of open educational resources, it is necessary to ensure their safety. It is also determined that not all open educational resources meet the required level of quality of the information and educational materials provided by them. It is indicated that modern society is at the stage that demonstrates a high level of trust and loyalty to various educational Internet materials and resources, which necessitates their comprehensive study.Conclusions. A clear understanding of the requirements of modern society for the process of obtaining education indicates the ways to adapt the educational environment. The significance of the results is expressed in the development of the methodology of the teaching process of modern computer science teachers based on the creation, implementation, and use of open educational resources.

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