
The article analyzes the methodology and methods of suicide prevention among young students. Theoretical and methodological bases of the problem of prevention of suicidal behavior of adolescents are revealed and systematized. Based on the systematization of pedagogical experience, specific opportunities for psychological and pedagogical prevention of suicide in educational institutions have been established. As a result of the analysis of data on adolescent suicide, we found that one of its main causes is pedagogical errors, which both directly lead to suicide and affect the emergence of children’s perceptions of suicide as a possible solution to personal difficulties. To determine the possibilities of psychology and pedagogy in suicide prevention were studied factors and stages of suicidal behavior: difficult life circumstances (external suicidal factors) and personality traits that determine the nature of the reaction to external circumstances. We correlated the stages of suicidal behavior with the types of preventive activities and identified: primary prevention of suicidal behavior, secondary and tertiary. Primary prevention of suicidal behavior is characterized by its focus on the education of a person who is able to adequately respond to life’s difficulties, to turn them into a situation of self-development; that is, the education of a viable and viable personality. In fact, pedagogical prevention of suicidal behavior is not to eliminate its external causes, but to educate a person who is able to withstand difficult life circumstances, turning them into a situation of conscious self-development. The composition and structure of viability are determined and on its basis diagnostic tools for safe detection of suicide risk in adolescents are developed. To confirm the feedback between resilience and suicidal ideation, we conducted a comparative analysis of the characteristics of "suicidal" and resilient individuals. The pedagogical system of prevention of suicidal behavior on the basis of formation of viability of teenagers in the conditions of comprehensive school is substantiated. Initially, a theoretical model was built based on the assumed conditions and an abstract model of the pedagogical objectsystem. Then on its basis normative. Experimental verification of theoretical and normative models was carried out in three stages. The first stage (diagnostic) was devoted to determining the level of development of the components of the viability of adolescents. The formative stage included: registration by teenagers of diaries of self-development, class hours at which conversations, debates, trainings, seminars directed on development of components of vitality were carried out. The third stage was devoted to the re-diagnosis of the components of the viability of adolescents, which was carried out using the same techniques as in the first stage. Mathematical processing of diagnostic results allowed to record the positive dynamics of viability in experimental classes.

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