
The article explores the issues of methodology and methods of measuring personality value orientations. Problems of manifestation of value orientations, adaptability to the environment are analyzed. All the components of the human personality are structurally linked, their unity and ensuring the identity of the individual.
 It is shown that the interconnection of self-knowledge and value orientations is two-way: on the one hand, a person knows part of himself through the conscious and conscious acceptance of the values ​​that guide his behavior; on the other, a change in the hierarchical structure of values, giving priority to higher-level values, directs and deepens the process of self-discovery.
 It has been found out that one of the most important moments in the development of patients with dental problems is their sense of self-worth through their own health. The idea of ​​self-worth plays a significant role in the formation of personality. These are not the motives for her behavior under any circumstances, but under certain circumstances, such perceptions that become personally meaningful can be included in the motivation for the behavior and increase the effectiveness of dental treatment.

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