
In recent years, the developed financial and economic relations of Uzbekistan active promotes structural economic reforms and modernization of the functioning of the banking system in order to ensure sustainability of the economy. Methods to improve the security mechanism should be explored economic security based on economic illegal encroachments and occurrence of risk areas banks. The purpose of the study is to provide theoretical justification and develop organizational and methodological foundations for the development of the mechanism for ensuring economic security of commercial banks. When developing this problem, the following methods are used: dialectical, analytical, systematic approach, quantitative and qualitative information processing, formal-logical, empirical, expert assessments, etc. on the security of banking activities. The subject of the study is the system of management relations that have emerged in the process of functioning and development of the mechanism for ensuring the economic security of commercial banks from the influence of various threats and banking risks, updating the tools for their implementation, and the object of the study is a set of economic entities engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the banking sector. In this study, a study is conducted to assess the development of the security mechanism economic security of the bank and banking services. Based on the study, proposals are put forward from the point of view of the existing form of banking services and the use of information technologies in order to determine the level of collateral economic security of the bank and optimization of the structure of banking services. This will help better prepare the banking system for new challenges.

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