
The subject of the study is a complex of social relations in the fruit and vegetable industry that arise in the process of providing social support measures to the rural population of the region through the use of new information and communication technologies. The purpose of the work is to identify the digital architecture of methodological tools that help improve the efficiency of providing social support measures to the rural population of fruit and vegetable specialization. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the decreasing number of labor resources that provide fruit and vegetable specialization of the Chelyabinsk region can be replenished by immigrants from other regions and migrants. Based on the digital architecture for diagnosing labor resources and the level of employment of the rural population of the fruit and vegetable specialization of the Chelyabinsk region, the forecast of its number, proposals are put forward to increase the number of labor resources in working age and the effectiveness of these proposals is evaluated. Therefore, for the growth of the labor force, it is necessary to increase the level of employment at the expense of the economically inactive rural population or the growth of migration. Thanks to the digital architecture, the dynamics of employment in the fruit and vegetable specialization of the Chelyabinsk region in 2021–2022. a correlation-regression model has been built, demonstrating a downward trend in the share of the employed rural population in the total number of economically active population.

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