
Emotional intelligence is a basic human life competence that needs to be developed from preschool childhood. The article reveals the content of methodological support that will promote the development of emotional intelligence of preschool children. The age-related peculiarities of children's emotional development, which contribute to the formation of emotional intelligence and are the main guideline for methodological support, are determined. The pedagogical conditions for the development of preschoolers' emotional intelligence are considered: enrichment of children's knowledge about emotions, development of teachers' emotionality, organization of a system of developmental classes, enrichment of the appropriate emotional and developmental environment, emotionality of the content of educational and didactic materials, partnership interaction of participants in the educational process, psychological and pedagogical support for children. The methodological support for the development of emotional intelligence of preschool children is considered as the creation of a holistic methodological system consisting of an effective arsenal of pedagogical methods, techniques, tools, sources, guidelines, resource and didactic support, which create an effective field for familiarizing children with the emotional world, provide an opportunity to express their emotions and learn about the emotionality of other people. The directions of methodological support carried out by preschool teachers in the system of preschool education are revealed, the practices of partnership interaction between parents and children on the research problem are characterized.

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