
The 21st century require certain demands regarding employment on the labor market. An imperative orientation, in this context, is communication. Effective communication is an essential element in any workplace, or the current global context of the labor market requires employees the ability to communicate in a globally used language - English. Employers evaluate not only the language skills of the candidates, but also their ability to adapt to various professional communication situations: to share ideas, ask questions and answer questions appropriately, in other words they evaluate the competence of pragmatic communication in English language - an imperative requirement in the current context for the professional career. Starting from this idea, the professional-technical education has the duty to develop students’ competence of pragmatic communication in English, to be future specialists in various fields. This article presents the methodological framework for training the competence of pragmatic communication in English for students in ISCED 4 vocational technical education, which represents a scientific-didactic construct created out of theories, principles, didactic methods and learning tasks.

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