
The article deals with the topic of contemporary criticism of methodological foundations for contemporary Religious Studies of Adventism. The analysis of theoretical and methodological works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists of Religious Studies and theologians allowed to select features of postmodern and late modern types of Protestantism in general and Adventism in particular. For the world Adventism is characterized internal struggle between late modern and postmodern types of Christianity. In particular, there is postmodern on their type and form of expression is the argument in favor of female priesthood, greater openness to the world. In Ukraine, even in the missionary and social work which is objectively the most open to the world, not seeing a transition to a postmodern type of Christianity, although some elements of postmodern practices find their application. But these elements are used only in so far as they are useful and do not violate the general style of Adventism, not threaten the integrity of faith and lifestyles of Adventists do not contradict moral values and practical principles of the social doctrine of Adventism. This allows us to hypothesize that a series of practices common to late modern Christianity and postmodern types of activity of Christians in the postmodern environment. Such practices can be called an open feature of Christianity, which, in active cooperation with the world refuses to lose its own identity. But as organic practices develop appropriate methods of church life and activity of believers formed in late modern period, we attribute it to their typological characteristics of contemporary Adventism as a form of late modern Christianity. With all the openness to the contemporary world and the transformation Adventism is developed as late modern Christianity, which is reflected in practical life of Ukrainian Adventism.

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