
The relevance of introducing pharmacoeconomic studies into veterinary medicine is undeniable, since they allow us to assess the cost and effectiveness of various medications and manipulations associated with their use, which helps veterinary specialists choose the most optimal treatment methods and prevent inappropriate or unnecessarily expensive con-sumption of medical resources. Such an economic assessment makes it possible to reduce the costs of veterinary care and ensure the availability of high-quality medical care for all categories of animals.The main problem of using existing pharmacoeconomic methods in veterinary medicine is the actual absence or impossibility of relevant assessment of certain characteristics (for example, indicators of the “benefit” of treatment for compaion animals; the integral indicator QALY - “years of quality life saved,” etc.), which allows us to consider analysis and generalization of methodological features of the implementation of pharmacoeconomic models in veterinary medicine is an urgent task.To achieve this goal, the scientific literature was analyzed (including bibliographic peer-reviewed databases such as Scopus, WoS, Pubmed, elibrary) with a further selection of relevant and current sources (published over the last 10 years) with their subsequent stratification according to the principle of applicability of the described methodological approaches for veterinary medicine, which were generalized and systematized.As a result of the analysis, it was determined that in veterinary medicine it is permissible to use analytical, statistical and simulation mathematical models.Pharmacoeconomic studies play an important role in assessing the relationship between treatment costs and outcomes. This allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of using a particular drug, conduct a comparative analysis of various treatment methods and make informed decisions about choosing the most suitable drug. In this way, pharmacoeconomic studies help improve the quality of veterinary treatment and ensure maximum benefit to the owner.

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