
The article is devoted to topical issues of development of existing and establishment of new approaches to the methodology of assessing the effectiveness of foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises with the subsequent formation of strategies for its development. Thanks to the successful operation of domestic agricultural enterprises in foreign markets and effective and fruitful cooperation with foreign partners, economic growth of the country as a whole is achieved. Therefore, in modern economic conditions, the increase in foreign economic activity requires a thorough methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises. The theoretical and methodological basis of research were the works of leading domestic and foreign economists and the work of leading analysts on the problems and methodology of modeling foreign economic activity, comprehensive approaches based on a combination of economic analysis and methods of economic and mathematical modeling. The following research methods were used in solving the tasks: monographic, analysis and synthesis, expert evaluations, deduction method and abstract-logical. In order to implement the organizational and economic mechanism for determining the foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises, we propose to use a universal method of foreign economic activity analysis and at the micro level in order to compare the obtained calculations to assess trends in the development of foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises. If an agricultural enterprise is engaged in both exports and imports, then to assess its performance in the foreign market for a certain period can be calculated integrated indicators of foreign trade, which provide for the comparability of results achieved for the whole set of export-import operations at full cost. The initial methodological basis for assessing and analyzing the foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises should be a systematic analysis and a comprehensive, dialectical approach, which necessitates the study of individual elements and the system as a whole in constant motion, change, in the process of constant renewal. This is important not only for understanding the essence of economic categories but also for formulating conclusions on their practical application, making management decisions at different levels of the hierarchical management system in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The practical significance of the results of the study lies in the substantiation of the methodology, which allows to calculate and fully assess the effectiveness of foreign economic activity of any agricultural enterprise.


  • The theoretical and methodological basis of research were the works of leading domestic and foreign economists and the work of leading analysts on the problems and methodology of modeling foreign economic activity, comprehensive approaches based on a combination of economic analysis and methods of economic and mathematical modeling

  • In order to implement the organizational and economic mechanism for determining the foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises, we propose to use a universal method of foreign economic activity analysis and at the micro level in order to compare the obtained calculations to assess trends in the development of foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises

  • If an agricultural enterprise is engaged in both exports and imports, to assess its performance in the foreign market for a certain period can be calculated integrated indicators of foreign trade, which provide for the comparability of results achieved for the whole set of export-import operations at full cost

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The initial methodological basis for assessing and analyzing the foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises should be a systematic analysis and a comprehensive, dialectical approach, which necessitates the study of individual elements and the system as a whole in constant motion, change, in the process of constant renewal. А тому в сучасних умовах господарювання підвищення ЗЕД вимагає ґрунтовного методичного підходу до оцінки ефективності зовнішньоекономічної діяльності аграрних підприємств. Зважаючи на наукову та практичну актуальність теми, метою даного дослідження є розвиток наявних і встановленнянових підходів до методики оцінки ефективності зовнішньоекономічної діяльності аграрних підприємств із подальшим формуванням стратегій його розвитку. Практична значущість результатів дослідження полягає в обґрунтуванніметодики, що дає змогу розрахувати та максимально повно оцінити ефективність зовнішньоекономічної діяльності будь-якого аграрного підприємства

Матеріал і методи досліджень
Результати та їх обговорення
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Індекс ціни
Необхідні дані
Валютна ефективність імпорту
Ефективність реалізації експортних товарів на внутрішньому ринку
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