
The article is devoted to the analysis of the experience of implementing the holistic concept of methodical training of future teachers as a component of their readiness for further professional pedagogical activity at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kharkiv H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. The essence, purpose, tasks, approaches, principles, content, forms and methods of methodical training of future teachers of physics, mathematics and computer science, as well as masters in educational and pedagogical sciences are revealed. Methodical training of future teachers is considered as one that should provide a synthesis of subject, psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities of applicants for higher pedagogical education. The development of the concept of methodical training of future teachers is based on the integration of such methodological approaches as systemic, personality-oriented, acmeological, competence, activity, synergetic. The principles of methodological training of future teachers include the following: consistency, continuity; scientificity and relevance (knowledge and professional skills); systematicity; connection of theory with practice; consciousness, activity and independence; axiology, integration, predictability, innovation, reliance on their own practical experience. The methodical training of future teachers is characterized as end-to-end, which is carried out throughout the period of their training and essentially consists in the integration of subject, general psychological and pedagogical, methodological knowledge and experience of their own practical activities in the specialty. Features of methodical training of future teachers depending on specialization and level of higher education – physics, mathematics, computer science, masters in educational, pedagogical sciences are covered. Implementation of the developed concept of methodical training of future teachers allows to provide preconditions for creation of a trajectory of their further professional development focused on their personal and professional growth, successful professional self-realization.

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