
Topicality. In solving socio-economic problems in recent years, increasing contradictions between market participants at all levels of the national economy; This is especially true when it comes to the justification and practical implementation of possible options based on the analysis and further interpretation of empirical data relating to certain areas of development of territorial production systems or locally established industry markets, including transport services markets (RTP). within certain regions of the country. In this regard, there is a need to form a methodological framework for the possibility of implementing a cluster-logistics approach to the development of RTP.
 Aim and tasks. The purpose of writing this work is to develop a methodological support for cluster-logistics approach to the development of RTP with the definition of organizational forms of interaction of regional markets in the form of transport and logistics clusters (TLC).
 Research results. When analyzing and forecasting socio-economic phenomena, the researcher often encounters the multidimensionality of their description. Methods of multidimensional analysis are the most effective quantitative tool for the study of socio-economic processes, described by a large number of characteristics. These include cluster analysis, taxonomy, pattern recognition, factor analysis, and more. Cluster analysis most clearly reflects the features of multidimensional analysis in the classification, and factor analysis in the study of communication. The main purpose of cluster analysis is the breakdown of the set of studied objects and features into homogeneous groups in the appropriate sense of clusters. In cluster analysis, the concept of metrics is introduced to quantify similarity, and the similarity or difference between classified objects is set depending on the metric distance between them.In this paper, a single connection within a group of algorithms using a quadratic Euclidean distance is used. Cluster analysis most clearly reflects the features of multidimensional analysis in the classification. That is why a dimensionless model based on the use of relative coefficients of hierarchical agglomerative type is proposed to analyze the development of RTP and its transport infrastructure. The use of multidimensional classification methods allowed to group districts, in contrast to the traditional geographical or administrative division, by level of socio-economic development, which determines the needs of districts in transport infrastructure and cooperation, which, in particular through TLC, will ensure maximum use of existing economic potential. economy and equalization of living conditions of the population in different territories.Conclusion. Thus, the transport and socio-economic potential of the regions was analyzed, as a result of which two formed TLCs and five nuclei were identified, on the basis of which it is proposed to develop TLCs of appropriate types by joining regions with medium and low transport potential.


  • ECONOMIC INNOVATIONSA single connection within a group of algorithms using a quadratic Euclidean distance is used

  • Кластерний аналіз найбільш яскраво відображає риси багатовимірного аналізу в класифікації

  • In solving socio-economic problems in recent years, increasing contradictions between market participants at all levels of the national economy; This is especially true when it comes to the justification and practical implementation of possible options based on the analysis and further interpretation of empirical data relating to certain areas of development of territorial production systems or locally established industry markets, including transport services markets (RTP). within certain regions of the country

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A single connection within a group of algorithms using a quadratic Euclidean distance is used. At the third stage the analysis of conformity of transport and economic potential of the territory to the level of its social and economic development was carried out; as a result, the division of regions into clusters is proposed, which allows to use the potential of the existing transport system of regions and provides further development of transport infrastructure as an important factor of integration, specialization and cooperation of economic structures of regions. At the first stage of the analysis, indicators 1–8 from Group I were selected for economic zoning (gross regional product (UAH million), fixed assets (by regions) (UAH million), capital investments (UAH million), agricultural products (million UAH), volume of sold services (million UAH), employment of the population (aged 15-70 years) (thousand), volume of sold industrial products (million UAH), gross regional product in per capita (UAH)), which allowed to identify clusters, which include regions with different levels of socio-economic development and specialization of production.

Kyiv high
Chernihiv average
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