
Objective. The objective of the study is to generalize theoretical and methodological approaches to the essence, features of functioning and analysis of the effectiveness of food service management in a hotel and restaurant enterprise and to substantiate on this basis an improved methodical approach to assessing the effectiveness of its management. Methods. In the research process, general scientific methods and techniques of research were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, deduction, abstract-logical method, graphic and tabular methods (for a visual representation of the analyzed material). The results. The conducted research analyzed the main definitions of restaurant establishments according to domestic legislation and established their differences. The requirements for food service at a hotel and restaurant enterprise according to the categories of the hotel have been considered. The analysis of the opinions of scientists regarding the peculiarities of food service in a hotel establishment made it possible to single out the main characteristics of food service in a hotel enterprise. An analysis of the scientific literature was carried out regarding the available methodical approaches to the analysis of the effectiveness of food service management in a hotel and restaurant enterprise. He showed the lack of an established method of researching the effectiveness of the catering service in a hotel and restaurant enterprise, focusing the attention of scientists on the diagnosis of certain aspects of the catering service: analysis of demand for food service products, turnover, financial indicators of the unit's activity or key performance indicators, etc. The author's method of effective management of food service in a hotel and restaurant enterprise, which includes nine stages, is substantiated. It allows to comprehensively investigate the effectiveness of food service management in a hotel and restaurant enterprise from organizational, personnel, financial, and marketing aspects and to identify the main shortcomings in the work.

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