
We present a method for the reconstruction of ion kinetic energy distributions from ion time-of-flight mass spectra through ion trajectory simulations. In particular, this method is applicable to complicated spectrometer geometries with largely anisotropic ion collection efficiencies. A calibration procedure using a single ion mass peak allows the accurate determination of parameters related to the spectrometer calibration, experimental alignment, and instrument response function, which improves the agreement between simulations and experiment. The calibrated simulation is used to generate a set of basis functions for the time-of-flight spectra, which are then used to transform from time-of-flight to kinetic-energy spectra. We demonstrate this reconstruction method on a recent pump-probe experiment by Asmussen etal. [Asmussen etal., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 15138, (2021)] on helium nanodroplets and retrieve time-resolved kinetic-energy-release spectra for the ions from ion time-of-flight spectra.

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