The purpose of the research was to study the components of crossing and evaluate the efficiency of the obtained experimental sugar beet hybrids. Selection of the best lines for the use as parent components of monogerm hybrids was performed based on their sugar yield.
 Methods. Foreign pollinators of yield direction (rkБЗ4, rkБЗ5, rkБЗ6, rkБЗ7) and Ukrainian CMS lines were used in crosses. Experimental genotypes were obtained as a result of hybridization, recombination and selection. The genotypes were studied in controlled polycrosses and topcrosses. Variety testing was carried out in accordance with the standard protocols.
 Results. On the basis of use various methods of selection, promising genotypes with high adaptive potential were selected. The highest productivity of hybrids (in % to the standard) with CМS1 was 111.3%, CМS2 112.3%, CМS3 108.3%, and with pollinator rkБЗ6орс 103.8%. In combinations with pollinator абБЗ1 824 / CМS3, the resulted hybrid had productivity 111.2%. The hybrids resulted from combination rkБЗ4 644 / МS2 showed productivity of 109.3%, and rk БЗ4 644 / МС3 112.1%. Hybrids with CМS1 and CMS3 testers showed the productivity of 105.9% and CМS2 105.4%. In terms of sugar yield, the best combinations were rkБЗ7мтд / МS1 with 110.8% and rkБЗ7мтд / МS3 with 108.5%. Thus, the efficiency of pollinators made up 101.5%, 101.2%, 102.5% and 102.8%, respectively.
 Conclusions. Selected sugar beet hybrid components have been evaluated by their efficiency, combinational value and tolerance to the environmental conditions. A very high correlation relationship was found between foreign pollinators and Ukrainian CМS lines. It confirms their suitability as parent components of sugar beet hybrids. The efficiency of experimental hybrids depends both on components of crossing and climatic conditions of a zone of cultivation. Promising parent components of sugar beet hybrids have been selected.
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