
The purpose or intent of this current study was to establish a fast and sensitive HPLC technique for the perseverance of Fludrocortisone acetate and utilizing best frequently used HPLC technique. This method had been validated as per the ICH requirements to assure that the method consistently meets the predetermined specifications and quality attributes.Utilizing filtered and degassed pH 3.0 Phosphate buffer and Acetonitrile in the ratio 90:10 as a Mobile phase-A and pH 3.0 Phosphate buffer and Acetonitrile in the ratio 65:35 as a Mobile phase-B the established RP-HPLC technique was done. The separation was achieved by using Waters, X-Bridge Shield RP18, (150 X 4.6-mm), 3.5-µm column. Run time and Flow rate was set 45minutes and 1.2mL/min. Injection volume 100µL and wavelength was set 240nm.The correlation coefficient square for fludrocortisones acetate and Fludrocortisone Impurity was found to be 0.9991 and 0.99997. The SD and %RSD for Fludrocortisone Impurity was found to be 0.02 and 1.48 represents method precision. Following validated parameters lies within the limit. Hence, the developed method was precise, simple, fast and accurate.

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