
Drought is taken into account as a natural hazard, which might be characterized mainly by its severity, duration, and areal extent. Among the above three dimensions, drought severity is that the main factor through which drought analysis was done. The paper aims at presenting the overall meteorological drought analysis of Gajapati District of Odisha by Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI)and Standard precipitation Index (SPI), through DrinC software using SPI-3, SPI-6, SPI-9 & SPI-12, and RDI-3, RDI-6, RDI-9 & RDI 12 which were computed at multiple time steps (3, 6,9 and 12-month) for the period 1967-2002. The 12-month SPI and RDI series shows well-defined wet periods and dry periods compared to other months. it has been discussed, for identifying dry/wet periods, SPI 12 and RDI 12 shows greater utility than SPI 3 and RDI 3. The analysis of RDI-12 shows that, there was a Moderate drought was recorded during 1967-68, 1973-74, 1984-85, 1987-88. In the Gajapati region drought index, by SPI & RDI method showed that extremely affected by drought among 35 years was 1972-73 and severe drought occurred in 1979-80. Overall, there was a moderate drought situation within the Gajapati district.

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