
The object of this research is the introductory-modal phrase “to put it mildly”, viewed in pragmatic aspect. From the perspective of pragmatics, this phrase fulfills the function of metatext operator that forms the speaker's reflection towards their utterance. The unit “to put it mildly” is a typical meta-operator, as it includes a locutionary verb. The goal of this research is to determine the specificity of the phrase “to put it mildly” in carrying out the meta-operator function, as well as to establish its typical contexts and lexical compatibility. The research material was collected based on the Russian National Corpus using the method of continuous sampling. The author reveals that the phrase “to put it mildly” as a meta-operator combines two opposite functions: on the one hand, softens the extreme of the utterance, while on the other hand – enhances negative assessment of the fact of reality. Moreover, as the development of these functions, it acquires the ability to attribute the properties of contextual euphemism to the commented nomination. The indicated functional specificity is closely related to the lexical compatibility of meta-operator and the types of contexts. Most frequent contexts imply negation formed with the particle / prefix NOT. The lexical compatibility of meta-operator is predetermined by the aspects of speaker’s assessment of the facts of surrounding reality. The article describes most frequent aspects of such assessment. The acquired results may be applied in teaching Russian as a foreign language, as well as in lexicographic practice for creating metadata dictionary.

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