
The subject of this research is the theme of intemperance in the novel by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Golovlyov Family”. The theme of intemperance is important for grasping the ideological content of this work, because it comes up more than once and associated with an entire range of characters. In literature and folklore, intemperance sequentially correlates with the theme of cognizing the truth and adoration of a woman. In the ancient practices of initiation, alcohol consumption carried a ritual nature, conducing the transformed state of mind. The presented in the article archetypical approach towards the literary text is based on the ideas of Carl Gustav Jung, as well as advanced in the writings of Russian and foreign literary scholars. The novelty of the conducted consists in the fact that the motif of intemperance in the novel “The Golovlyov Family” is examined from the perspective of archetypical approach for the first time, which allows determining the semantic universalities instilled in this work. The author comes to the conclusion that Saltykov-Shchedrin describes intemperance as a mystery, in which the dichotomy “abased – elevated” manifests in an unambiguous unity.

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