
The purpose of the article is to study metaphorical modeling of reality, one of the most effective means of verbal impact on the audience, in public speeches of the Spanish monarch Felipe VI (2014–2022) in the current political context of Spain (2017–2022). The article presents a systematic analysis of anthropomorphic, militaristic, domestic, artifact-related, orientational and spatial metaphors following the communicative strategies and ideologemes used by the Spanish King in public discourse. The study is based on J. Lakoff and M. Johnson’s theory of conceptual metaphor, as well as on the ideas of A. Chudinov and E. Budaev developing political metaphorology in linguo-pragmatic and discursive perspectives. The analyzed material includes Felipe VI’s public speeches from 2014 to 2022 available on the website of the Spanish Royal House. The article states that metaphors, being a mental and linguo-social phenomenon, are widely used in modern propaganda and political discourse by state and government leaders. The results of the study show that metaphors in the Spanish monarch’s public discourse describe the constantly changing realia of political, social and economic life of the country. In the speeches delivered to the nation, metaphors promote ideas and basic principles in order to impact the addressee’s worldview, performing as a means of advocating, interpretation and cooperation strategies. Also, they can be regarded as an important characteristic of the Spanish King’s discourse because they may influence the citizens’ perception of socio-political realia. In the Spanish King’s speeches delivered abroad, metaphors are primarily used to create a positive image of Spain and convey the main principles of existence of the European Union within the framework of a country presenting and declarative strategy.

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