
The metamorphic sole rocks observed between the Pozantı–Karsantı ophiolite and the melange unit are located on the eastern part of the Tauride carbonate platform. They consist of ortho-amphibolites at the top and metasedimentary lithologies at the base. Amphibolites from the metamorphic sole rocks are represented by OIB, MORB and IAT based on their major, trace and REE compositions. The isolated dolerite dykes intrude both the metamorphic sole rocks and the ophiolitic unit at different structural levels. The dolerite dykes cutting the metamorphic sole rocks are enriched in LILE and depleted in HFSE. Enrichment in LILE such as Th, relative to HFSE, is indicative of the presence of a subduction component. Flat-lying REE patterns of the dolerite dykes also confirm an IAT source. Pyroxenite and albitite dykes also cut the metamorphic sole rocks. REE patterns of pyroxenite dykes show prominent LREE enrichment, similar to that observed in within-plate alkaline basalts. The alkaline isolated pyroxenite dykes were probably the result of late-stage magmatism fed by melts that originated from an OIB source, shortly before the emplacement of the Pozantı–Karsantı ophiolite onto the Tauride carbonate platform. A hydrothermal alteration stage is characterized by albitite formation in the joints of the metamorphic sole rocks and by secondary mineralization along the contact zones of dolerite dykes. Mineral parageneses in the metamorphic sole rocks exhibit amphibolite and greenschist-facies assemblages. Geothermobarometric studies based on a newly recognized mineral assemblage (e.g. kyanite) and chemical compositions of minerals in the metamorphic sole rocks indicate that the metamorphic temperature during the metamorphism was 570–580°C and the pressure was around 5–6 kbar.

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