
Locus of Control is a specific mode in which each individual identifies the causes that determine an event and therefore their own successes and failures. The internal attribution style is based on the subject's ability, commitment, and intelligence. It strengthens self-esteem and sense of personal self-efficacy and is crucial to fostering school success. This research shows that an attributive-metacognitive training that offers students the opportunity to reflect on their skills and strategies by expanding motivation through information and communication technologies (ICTs) can improve the attributional style of students with SEN (Special Educational Needs). The study, prospective and longitudinal, measured the attribution style of attendees (30 subjects attending the first grade of secondary school in northeast Italy) before and after a metacognitive and attributive program. The training, carried out on-line and in attendance, lasted about 8 months (from April 2015 to November 2015). The article presents the positive outcomes of the training, supported by the comparison of the data emerging from the Attribution Questionnaire and regularized and standardized values ​​(De Beni e Moe, 1995). The presented study extends knowledge on approaches and programs aimed at improving the attributional style in children with Special Educational Needs. A progress of the internal attributional style is conducive to improving academic success in these subjects.

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