
Introduction: Advanced progression the field of diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients causes increased survival of patients. Increasing life expectancy can lead to new health problems, including Multiple primary malignancies (MPM). Although the incidence of MPM is increasing, the diagnosis of MPM remains very rare. Based on the interval between tumor diagnosis, MPM can be divided into synchronous MPM and metachronous. Studies of MPM may provide useful information not only for clinical purposes but also can provide clues about etiology and management of this type of cancer. This case report was a woman with metachronous MPM (endometrium-breast). Case: A 60-year-old female presented with a lump on the right breast since 2 months before admission. Patients also complained multiple marble sized lumps on the right armpit and right neck since 1 ½ months ago. From previous medical record data (5 years ago), the patient was diagnosed with endometrial carcinosarcoma stage IV. On physical examination on neck showed supraclavicula lymph nodes enlargement. Examination of right mammary region showed Peau d’orange skin with hyperemic colour, and a palpable solid mass. On right axillary region, there was lymph nodes enlargement. Mammae and axilla Ultra Sonography (USG) showed solid malignant in right upper-lateral quadrant breast with diffuse skin edema and multiple solid nodules in right axilla. Mammae histopathologic biopsy results conclusion is invasive carcinoma of no special type grade 3. Conclusion: Our case was a woman with a metachronous MPM endometrial and breast, with the first malignancy was endometrial carcinosarcoma stage IV (type II endometrial carcinoma) followed by the appearance of second malignancy as a breast cancer dextra grade 3 stage IIIC. Time interval between these malignancies more than 6 months (5 years).

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