
The ability of larval turbot Scophthalmus maximus (L.) to ingest labelled 14C-alanine seawater during their yolk-sac stages was investigated by means of autoradiographic and microscopic methods. Autoradiograms showed that after 24 h of exposure to 14C-alanine virtually all of the label was located in the intestinal lumen. Larval metabolism was estimated by measuring changes in dry wt, RNA:DNA ratio and C:N ratio. Dry wt decreased by ≈20% during yolk-sac absorption at 14°C and 20‰. No significant difference was observed in the RNA:DNA ratio in the larval body during this period. The C:N ratio decreased during the study. Catabolic and anabolic metabolism of the assimilated labelled amino acid was evaluated by measuring the production of 14CO 2 and the incorporation of radioactivity into molecules insoluble in TCA. Yolk-sac larvae were incubated for 24 h in labelled 14C-alanine seawater and then transferred to unlabelled media; release of labelled CO 2 by the larvae was low, but the amount of tracer incorporated into the TCA-insoluble fraction of the larval tissues was large. The data strongly suggest drinking activity and a concomitant intake of amino acids in turbot larvae during the yolk-sac stage. The results indicate that the labelled amino acid presumably contributes to the general metabolism of the larvae.

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