
This study examined the relationship of binge eating to a variety of metabolic, anthropometric, and psychological characteristics in 132 obese women seeking weight reduction. Contrary to findings of a reduced resting metabolic rate (RMR) in persons with bulimia nervosa, no significant differences were observed between obese bingers and nonbingers in RMR or thyroid hormones. Nor did the two groups differ significantly in weight, percentage body fat, body fat distribution, or serum lipid levels. Consistent with previous findings, however, binge eaters did score significantly higher in depression and other measures of psychopathology, as assessed by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. They also scored significantly higher in disinhibition and hunger but significantly lower in cognitive restraint. All of these findings await confirmation in subjects diagnosed according to criteria proposed for a new binge eating disorder. The present results, however, provide little support for the hypothesis that binge eating in obese individuals is related to reduced resting energy requirements.

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