
Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a major pathogen in upper and lower respiratory tract infections in humans, and is increasingly also associated with invasive disease. We have examined two unrelated NTHi invasive disease isolates, R2866 and C188, in order to identify metabolic and physiological properties that distinguish them from respiratory tract disease isolates such as Hi2019. While the general use of the Hi metabolic network was similar across all three strains, the two invasive isolates secreted increased amounts of succinate, which can have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, they showed a common shift in their carbon source utilization patterns, with strongly enhanced metabolism of nucleoside substrates, glucose and sialic acid. The latter two are major compounds present in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Interestingly, C188 and R2866 also shared a reduced ability to invade or survive intracellularly in 16HBE14 bronchial epithelial cells relative to Hi2019 (4-fold (4 h), 25-fold (24 h) reduction). Altered metabolic properties, such as the ones observed here, could arise from genomic adaptations that NTHi undergo during infection. Together these data indicate that shifts in substrate preferences in otherwise conserved metabolic pathways may underlie strain niche specificity and thus have the potential to alter the outcomes of host-NTHi interactions.

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