
The cytokine interleukin-4 (IL-4) plays an important role in our immune system. IL-4 leads the way in the differentiation of naïve T-helper 0 cells (Th0) to T-helper 2 cells (Th2). The Th2 responses are characterized by the release of IL-4. CD4+T cells produce the cytokine IL-4 in response to exogenous parasites. IL-4 has a critical role in the growth of CD8+cells, inflammation, and responses of T-cells. We propose an ensemble model for the prediction of IL-4 inducing peptides. Four feature encodings were extracted to build an efficient predictor: pseudo-amino acid composition, amphiphilic pseudo-amino acid composition, quasi-sequence-order, and Shannon entropy. We developed an ensemble learning model fusion of random forest, extreme gradient boost, light gradient boosting machine, and extra tree classifier in the first layer, and a Gaussian process classifier as a meta classifier in the second layer. The outcome of the benchmarking testing dataset, with a Matthews correlation coefficient of 0.793, showed that the meta-model (Meta-IL4) outperformed individual classifiers. The highest accuracy achieved by the Meta-IL4 model is 90.70%. These findings suggest that peptides that induce IL-4 can be predicted with reasonable accuracy. These models could aid in the development of peptides that trigger the appropriate Th2 response.

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