
The doctrine of expectation is rooted in religious Messianism and it is considered the basis for the Reappearance of the Promised Mahdi (AS) and the forerunner of political and social developments in the discourse of the Islamic Revolution. On the one hand, the Islamic Revolution has the task of paving the way and preparing the conditions for the Reappearance of the Savior and on the other hand, the doctrine of expectation paints a vision of a prosperous, just, secure, and peaceful society, hence the mission of the discourse of the Islamic Revolution is to strive for the realization and formation of a “new Islamic civilization.” This aim is realized by adopting the strategy of Islamic resistance against the system of domination and also the Islamic awakening and the export of the values and norms of the Islamic Revolution. The expansion of the depth of Iran's strategic influence in the Islamic world is a sign of the realization of this civilization-building mission.

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