
The article analyzes the issue of mental causation from the point of view of linguistics and simultaneouslyit discusses the interaction of languages, the influence of one language on another.In most sources, mental causation is interpreted as an object of investigation of analytic philosophy.But in our current work, we analyzed mentality based on the meaning of this term. As a consequence, when mentality is studied linguistically, we observed that language is connected with all social spheres.The concept of mentalism significantly overlapped with the direction of psychologism.That is why the term «mentalism» was originally introduced into linguistics by L.Bloomfield, the founder of descriptivism, as a sign of protest against the fields of «intelligence», which aimed to study the inner world of a person, denying the role of language. Eventually, not only psychological, but also philosophical, logical, cultural-anthropological, archaeological, geographical concepts are examined in the basis of the term «mentalism».This shows that the language is related to these areas.

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