
An existential phenomenological approach was used to explore men’s experience of cosmetic surgery for gynecomastia, with data from an online discussion forum. The sample is described in detail, as are the ethical considerations in using such data. Strategies to maintain high ethical standards are discussed. The data gathered from online discussion forums is likened to gathering pieces of a mosaic, and some consequent difficulties and strengths for analysis are identified. Finally, the preliminary results of the analysis are described, with the experience generally following a common trajectory with three broad stages: firstly, becoming aware that the body deviates from the norm, developing coping strategies, including concealment and avoidance behaviours, and undertaking the surgery decision with reference to the lay expertise of the other forum users. Secondly, the success, or failure, of surgery and healing are described in detail. The experience is often described as life-changing. Nevertheless, the third stage, ‘life after surgery’ does not equate to ‘life after gyne’, since the psychological adjustment can be as difficult as the physical healing.

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