
Spanish Menopause Society (AEEM) has promoted the systematic reviews and metanalyses of studies about several common clinical conditions in which menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) can show different levels of indication, and a consortium of scientific societies coordinated by AEEM have formulated recommendations for the use of MHT. These set of based on clinical evidence elegibility criteria have been published in Maturitas and are available in our web site in order to help health professionals to feel sure when prescribing HTM. In this lecture we hightlight the recommendatiosn for some of these medical conditions, such thrombotic risk, neurological disorders (migraine, tensional headache), tobaco consumption, personal history of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and its related disorders, gastrointestinal disease and different cancers. Category 1 for a medical condition means that MHT can be used with no restriction, category 2 means benefith outweight the risks, in category 3 the risks generally outweigh the benefits, and in category 4 MHT should not be used. We hightlight that women with history of thrombosis or throbophilia should not use oral MHT (category 4), but we can consider the transdermal combined or oestrogens-only (category 2 for women with asmptomatic thrombophilia, and category 3 for women with personal history of thrombotic disease).

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