
The problem in this research is not all teachers make the development of silabus and plan of learning implementation independently. This study aims to improve the willingness and ability of teachers in making the development of silabus and learning implementation plan (RPP) so that the process of teaching and learning directed learning achievement increases. The data source comes from the instrument delivered to all class V teachers in the Gedangan District, especially in the developed areas II. Analisis data is done by using descriptive and qualitative analysis, then consulted with the success criteria to determine whether collaborative coaching can improve the ability and willingness of teachers in making silabus and RPP. Based on the result of observation of silabus in the first cycle in obtaining the data of the percentage increase of conformity that is on the component of the teaching material from 50% to 75%, the learning activity increased from 25% to 75%, the indicator from 25% to 75%, the assessment type from 50% to 75%. While in the second cycle of RPP preparation there is an increase in terms of determining the existing learning model has increased: from 25% to 75% increase and assessment aspect from 25% to 75% increase, Indicator increased from 25% to 75% learning increased from 50% to 75%, teaching materials from 25% to 75%. Based on the results of data analysis above drawn the conclusion that: Collaborative coaching can improve the ability of teachers in making the development of silabus and learning implementation plan.


  • The problem in this research is not all teachers make the development of silabus and plan of learning implementation independently

  • This study aims to improve the willingness and ability of teachers in making the development of silabus and learning implementation plan (RPP) so that the process of teaching and learning directed learning achievement increases

  • The data source comes from the instrument delivered to all class V teachers in the Gedangan District, especially in the developed areas II

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Unit Pendidikan Kecamatan Gedangan

Abstrak Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah belum semua guru membuat pengembangan silabus dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran secara mandiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemauan dan kemampuan guru dalam membuat pengembangan silabus dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) sehingga proses belajar mengajar terarah dan prestasi belajar meningkat. Sumber data berasal dari instrumen yang disampaikan kepada semua guru kelas V diwilayah Kecamatan Gedangan , khususnya di daerah binaan II.Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan kualitatif, selanjutnya dikonsultasikan dengan kriteria keberhasilan untuk mengetahui apakah pembinaan kolaboratif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan kemauan guru dalam membuat silabus dan RPP. Berdasar hasil analisis data diatas ditarik kesimpulan bahwa : Pembinaan Kolaboratif dapat meningkatkan kamampuan guru dalam membuat pengembangan silabus dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran.

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