
This study examines the manuscript of the Tafsir Jalālayn in Tamansari Village, Jaken, Pati. The research method used is qualitative with a philological and historical approach. The focus of research is on the physical text or codicological aspects, as well as the study of the text. Although it is not certain who copied them(by hand), this research finds that the manuscripts were written in the late 19th century (1890 AD). The existence of comments on the main text (matan) of Tafsir Jalālayn shows that there was a learning process of interpretation as well as an attempt to provide further explanations for this tafsir that was carried out in pesantren in this area at the end of the 19th century. This study also identifies the characteristics of the text in the manuscript. First, the interlinear translation (makna gandhul) along with the grammatical code that uses Javanese language to assist students understand the content of Tafsir Jalālayn. Second, the manuscript contains Javanese vocabulary which is no longer commonly used. Third, the marginal notes in Arabic (hamish) add a broader and deeper understanding of the Quran. Hamish has five contributions to the main text, i.e: explaining in more detail the content of the verse and its tafsir; as an explanation for words that are still general; as a source of reference information on writing the hamish; as a main text corrector; and as a complementary to the translation of the main text. The most interesting finding in its hamish is that there is a reference to a manuscript of tafsir written by a scholar from the Rengel area, Tuban, named Kiai Madyāni Abū Ishāq entitled Tibyān al-Asrārfī Qiṣṣati Yūsuf Ladhawī al-Abṣār. This is an initial indication of the existence of correspondence between Javanese scholars in terms of Quranic interpretation. Keywords: Manuscript of tafsir Jalālayn, codicology, characteristic of text.


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Ajaran agama Islam tentu tidak dapat dipisahkan dari sumbernya yaitu al-Qur‟an. AlQur‟an berperan sangat penting dalam kehidupan seorang muslim. Maka kemudian penafsiran al-Qur‟an menjadi suatu keharusan sebagai usaha memahami pesan-pesan yang terkandung pada setiap ayat al-Qur‟an. Tafsir al-Qur‟an di Nusantara berkembang tidak hanya diajarkan, namun juga ditulis. Dalam penulisannya tafsir terus berkembang dalam aspek kontekstual, aksara dan bahasa. Bahasa dan aksara yang digunakan juga beragam, terkait dengan aspek lokalitas di mana seorang penulis naskah berada, sasaran pembaca naskah, serta kepentingan penulis.. Dalam kaitannya dengan naskah tafsir peneliti menemukan manuskrip salinan kitab Tafsīr Jalālayn di Desa Tamansari, Jaken, Pati. Manuskrip kitab Tafsīr Jalālayn ini merupakan naskah pribadi, sehingga belum masuk kedalam katalog naskah manapun. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, peneliti memfokuskan pada tinjauan filologis melalui aspek kodikologis; mencakup identitas naskah, pembukuan naskah, aspek penulisan naskah, segi penjilidan dan sejarah manuskrip kitab Tafsīr Jalālayn Desa Tamansari. Kemudian melalui aspek tekstologis penelitian ini terfokus pada kajian karakteristik teks pegon manuskrip dengan fokus pengkajian pada sepertiga QS.

Deskripsi Naskah
Penggunaan Aksara Pegon dan Makna Gandhul
Ingdalem - 2 3 2 4 2 1
Tafsīr Anwār al-Tanzil wa Asrār al- Dirujuk 1 kali: pada halaman
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