
More and more organizations today face a dynamic and changing environment. This, in turn, is requiring these organizations to adapt. “Change or die" is the rallying cry among today's managers worldwide. There are many forces that are acting as stimulants for change such as socio-cultural, technological, economic, and political. But the question is “what can a change agent change?1' The options essentially fall in four categories : structure, physical setting, technology, and people. The application of planned changed is not a simple way and sometimes create many resistances for many reasons. Resistance is not always a negative perspective. The member's resistance can be positive perspectives because it provides a degree of stability and predictability to behavior. There are many tactics have been suggested for use by change agents in dealing with resistance to change. One of the best suggestions is ADKAR MODEL (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement). The advantages of this model are ability to identified why the change is not running well and suggestions to handle it, ability to identify the changing of many levels (individual, group, inter-group, and organization). and the impact of change relatively permanent. The optimal results can be reached if every step in this model is running well and fully supported by all management teams (in system and financial).


  • More and more organizations today face a dynamic and changing environment

  • Bateman dan Zeithaml(1990) mengemukakan bahwa "organizations must change because their env iromuents change"

  • Riset ya~g !elas, tet.api kadangkala dapat yang dilakukan oleh Prosci Learning teT')adt secara tidak sengaja pula

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More and more organizations today face a dynamic and changing environment. This, in turn, zs requinng these or8a11izations to adapt. Senior (2002) mengemukaka n berbagai kekuatan yang mendorong terjadinya suatu perubahan yaitu socio-cultural factors, teclmological factors, economic facto rs, dan political fa ctors. Bateman dan Zeithaml(1990) mengemukakan bahwa "organizations must change because their env iromuents change". Tidak semua organisasi melakukan perubahan karena alasan tersebut. Banyak organisasi terdorong melakukan perubahan dengan alasanalasan yang posif, terutama pada kondisi adanya 'performance gap' antara kinerja yang diharapkan dengan kinerja aktual (Bateman & Zeitha ml, 1990). Pengakuan akan adanya 'performance gap' sering mendorong organisasi untuk me Jakukan perubahan dan berusaha meningkatkan kinerja pada tingkatyang diharapkan. Pemahaman akan jenis perubahan dimaksudkan untuk meminimalkan berbagai konsekuensi negatif dari penolakan terhadap perubahan, sehlngga perubahan yang dilakukan dapat membuahkan has iJ yang optimal. Government Legislation & Ideology, International law, Universal Right, WaiS, Local Regulation, Taxation, Trades Union Activities

Econorruc Factors
UtH h
RESISTANCE TO CHANGE senada juga dikemukakan oleh Coetsee
Menurut Dent dan Goldberg
Positive Resistam:e
People Dimension of Change
Menciptakan pengetahuan bagi
Ability pe rubahan te rtentu yang didasarkan
Employee B
Interventi OtJ
Personal awards
The Effect ofthe Disconnect
Jouma l of Organizational Change
Chief of Editor
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