
Non-formal and informal education is a part of national education that has a broad target. It has large target, geographical variation, and differences in need and demand. To reach this target, this Directorate General is supported by technical and educational staff. The staff are demanded to provide the community with high quality services. They must have personal, social, professional, and academic competences. Although all of these competences have important roles, but this article only discusses personal and social competences. Personal competence gives a strong foundation to deal with all problems, and social competence gives a foundation for human interaction. Both competences influence individual success and reflect the commitment and integrity in their duties.


  • informal education is a part of national education that has a broad target

  • The staff are demanded to provide the community with high quality services

  • Personal competence gives a strong foundation to deal with all problems

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Non-formal and informal education is a part of national education that has a broad target. PTK-PNF hendaknya memiliki kompetensi khusus yang dapat mendukung pelaksanaan tugas pokoknya. Kompetensi yang menunjang pelaksanaan tugas guna peningkatan profesionalisme dituntut dikuasai oleh sumber daya manusia dalam setiap aspek pekerjaan, termasuk di dalamnya PTK-PNF yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan. Dua kompetensi khusus yang harus dimiliki oleh PTK-PNF adalah kompetensi personal dan sosial yang memadai karena bidang tugasnya berhubungan erat dengan masyarakat dan berbagai pihak lain yang menuntut kearifan dan budi pekerti luhur sehingga dapat melaksanakan tugasnya dengan penuh tanggung jawab.

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