Housing architecture in the Kampong Chinatown Karangturi - Lasem located in the North Coast of Java was the architecture of the Chinese community that had the character of the Chinese architectural style, this phenomenon is reinforced by the data entry of Chinese culture that took place since the 13th century. This study revealed how to understand the concept relation of function, form and meaning of urban housing architecture in the North Coast region of East Java. Case study looked at the extent of housing architecture in the Kampong Sumber Girang, Lasem as clients affected by the housing architecture in Kampung Karangturi as a patron. This study took the method of structuralism and typomorphology approach to unravel the phenomenon of urban coastal architecture concept of relation. The results of this study showed that to understand the concept relations of function, form and meaning of coastal architecture could be determined through the study of Javanese human behavior concept of relation, which at the end revealed the surface structure and deep structures of coastal architecture.
Housing architecture in the Kampong Chinatown Karangturi - Lasem located in the North Coast of Java was the architecture of the Chinese community that had the character of the Chinese architectural style, this phenomenon is reinforced by the data entry of Chinese culture that took place since the 13th century
This study revealed how to understand the concept relation of function, form and meaning of urban housing architecture in the North Coast region of East Java
Case study looked at the extent of housing architecture in the Kampong Sumber Girang, Lasem as clients affected by the housing architecture in Kampung Karangturi as a patron
Berdasarkan perkembangan sejarah arsitektur di Nusantara menunjukkan bahwa sejak dahulu masyarakat Jawa Pesisiran telah membuka diri terhadap pengaruh budaya luar. Kota-kota yang berada di kawasan Pesisir utara Jawa Timur, seperti Lasem, Tuban dan Gresik merupakan kota yang memiliki pelabuhan yang pada masanya berfungsi sebagai kawasan perdagangan, sehingga orang-orang Cina, Arab dan Belanda (VOC tahun1602) menggunakan pelabuhan tersebut untuk keperluan berdagang. Kawasan kota Pesisir dianggap sebagai daerah yang terbuka bagi pendatang, sehingga memudahkan terjadinya proses pertemuan dan percampuran budaya melalui kegiatan berdagang. Dalam perkembangannya percampuran budaya (Cina, Arab dan Belanda) memberikan pengaruh pada arsitektur masyarakat kota Pesisir yang terwujud dalam berbagai ragam nilai dan bentuk yang didasarkan pada sosok dan wujud arsitekturnya. Akulturasi berpengaruh pada arsitektur, dengan demikian akulturasi yang terjadi di kawasan masyarakat kota Pesisir utara Jawa juga berpengaruh terhadap proses pembentukan arsitekturnya, khususnya dalam bentuk percampuran tipe bentuk, ragam arsitektur, pola ruang dan tatanannya. Pengetahuan mengenai relasi konsep fungsi, bentuk dan makna arsitektur penting dalam menentukan arah perkembangan arsitektur masyarakat kota Pesisir utara Jawa
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