
Releut Timu is a village located in the Muara Batu sub-district of Lhokseumawe City, Aceh Province. This sub-district has a significant population, including a large number of youth aged between 15 and 24 years old. In terms of the economy, the youth in Releut Timu face limited opportunities. The majority of them still rely on their parents or families for financial support. Unemployment rates among the youth are also quite high, making it difficult for them to find decent jobs. This can result in limited access to income and economic opportunities. Furthermore, the economic infrastructure in Releut Timu is also limited, leading to limited business opportunities or job prospects for the youth. Some of them may be forced to work in the informal sector, such as street vendors or daily laborers, which provides unstable and insufficient income. To address these challenges, it is necessary to conduct a workshop that can stimulate creativity and enhance the growth of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), thereby increasing income. The outcome of this workshop would be the emergence of creative ideas from the youth, and their ability to implement these ideas into various products, such as flowers, bags, hijab accessories, and more. Key words: Workshop, Creative Ideas, Products, Youth

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