
Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease that has spread throughout the world and has an important impacton both human and animal health. The four species of Brucella that cause disease in humans are Brucellaabortus, B. suis, B. melitensis and B. canis, and B. melitensis as the most pathogenic species. This Researchused 46 samples were collected from Government Small Ruminants Abattoir in Bogor Regency. Thirty twospleen samples were examined by previous research and showed a positive result when were tested withCFT and PCR techniques, but sequencing has not yet been done. Fourteen serum and spleen samples wereexamined by the similar techniques. The Research aimed to determined the genetic relationship of Brucellasp. using a PCR technique with a specific short primer to B. mellitensis. Cloning technique was appliedpreviously to five PCR positive samples before sequencing. Cloning and sequencing result of the Sample91 showed higher homology to B. melitensis and B. abortus for 127 nucleotide lengths, 97.6% -100% and99.2% -100% respectively. In the phylogenic tree, the Sample 91 was part of B melitensis sequences 1, 2,and 3 with accession numbers LT962930.1 and LT962936.1, B abortus sequences 1 and 2 with accessionnumbers CP033079.1 and B. abortus sequence 1 with accession number CP034695.1. Sample of 95, 97, 7,and 13 have lower homologies than Sample 91.


  • a zoonotic disease that has spread throughout the world

  • 46 samples were collected from Government Small Ruminants Abattoir in Bogor Regency

  • Thirty two spleen samples were examined by previous research

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Jurnal Veteriner

PENDAHULUAN Brusellosis merupakan penyakit zoonotik yang memiliki dampak penting baik untuk kesehatan manusia maupun hewan. Genus Brucella terdiri dari beberapa spesies, antara lain Brucella abortus, B. melitensis, B. suis, B. neotomae, B. ovis, B. canis, B. ceti, dan B. pinnipedialis. Bakteri B. abortus menginfeksi sapi, B. suis menginfeksi babi (Burnham et al 2011), dan B. melitensis menginfeksi kambing dan domba serta B. canis menginfeksi anjing (De Miguel et al 2011). Bakteri B. melitensis dapat juga menginfeksi unta berpunuk satu dan B. abortus kadang dapat menginfeksi kuda, sehingga satu spesies Brucella dapat menginfeksi lebih dari satu inang (Shapiro 2017). Empat spesies dari Brucella yang merupakan zoonosis adalah B. abortus, B. suis, B. melitensis dan B. canis (Samadi et al 2010) dengan B. melitensis sebagai spesies yang paling patogen (De Miguel et al 2011). Penelitian ini merupakan lanjutan dari penelitian Septiningtyas (2017) yang belum melakukan analisis kekerabatan Brucella sp. Data yang diperoleh dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pengawasan lalu lintas ternak yang diduga sebagai pembawa Brusellosis

METODE PENELITIAN Spesimen Penelitian
PCR menggunakan primer Mar muncul pada
Identitas Contoh
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