
The present paper constitutes an essayistic study about the relation established between the means of communication and school. Starting from the wider debate that involves the relation between subject and culture, trying to consider the disjunctions and the possibilities of dialogue among the cultural systems represented by school and by the means of communication. It will be taken as theoretic-methodologic guidance the notion of subject developed by Edgar Morin and his analogy referring to the immunologic system, which presents the distinction between the self and the non-self, between the subject and the other, based on cellular beings. This way we bring up what is considered an immunology made through school relating to the forms of knowledge and non-rationalist thinking, represented by the mass means of communication culture. We still call on an interpretation of the film Dead Poets Society, which presents a metaphor of the conflict between society and culture in the school environment. Starting from the interpretation of the film we try to put into question the way how rationality and affectivity can establish, at the same time, relations of conflict or dialogue with each other. We believe this way the means of communication can operate together with school as agents of formation and socialization of the contemporary subject.

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