
Istrian Flysch was deposited during the Eocene in the Dinaric foredeep and is composed of hemipelagic marls and various gravity flow deposits. The latter are predominantly 5-40 cm thick turbidites, developed mostly as laminated and cross-rippled sandstone beds (Tb-e, Tc-e and Td-e Bouma sequences). In addition to the turbidites, there are deposits characterized by a significant thickness, occasionally more than 10 m, described as complex (bipartite) megabeds. The megabeds are composed of debrites in the lower part (Division I), and high-density turbidites in the upper part (Division II). The distinct clast composition of each megabed indicates that the lithoclasts were derived from tectonically active slopes and fault scarps along which collapses of the different parts of the Cretaceous to Palaeogene neritic carbonate succession, that underlie the Flysch, occurred. The Division II deposits are well cemented, normally graded calcirudite/calcarenites composed mostly of orthophragminids, nummulitids, and red algae, originating from outer ramp environments. Redeposited marl, observed in the matrix of the debrites and as intraclasts in some megabeds, implies that the collapses along the synsedimentary fault scarps and steep slopes also occurred within the foredeep itself, during the rapid tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Dinaric foreland basin.

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