
espanolLa recurrencia de los ciclos pestiferos durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIV genero una respuesta por parte de las autoridades municipales que intentaron prevenir la llegada de la enfermedad. Al mismo tiempo y compartiendo el objetivo, los medicos de la comunidad universitaria escribieron tratados destinados tanto a profesionales como a la poblacion en general. Es el caso del Regiment de preservacio de pestilencia (1348) del profesor de medicina del Estudio General de Lleida, Jaume d’Agramont. El proposito de este articulo es identificar las acciones desplegadas por el municipio ilerdense durante las epidemias posteriores a lapeste negra y analizarlas a la luz de las recomendaciones contenidas en la obra de Agramont. EnglishThis article does not intend to delve into the typology of the bacteria or viruses that caused the diseases and is also far from a positivist compilation of symptoms that may fit our respective disease labels. Our objective is to understand a disease as social construct in a specific historical-cultural framework, which helps us to interpret the medical mentality of trecentist society. It is ultimately an attempt to understand the instruments of a society medically very distinct from ours, which constructed the idea of late medieval pestilence based on its knowledge. We should therefore see the disease through the eyes of contemporary individuals, adopting their understanding of the social construct. This is the only way to understand their struggle against suddendeath.

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