
The study of the already established introduction populations of medicinal plants in the conditions of the Botanical Garden is relevant for understanding the prospects for further work on the introduction of plants and increasing their species composition. The analysis of the success of the introduction of 75 species of 43 families of 67 genera of the Far Eastern flora was carried out. Of the species represented, 55 % (41 species) are protected at the local level and included in the regional Red Data Books of Rare and Endangered Plant Species of the Russian Far East, 15 % (11 species) are also protected at the state level and included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation. All the types presented are medicinal and used in folk medicine; 4 are pharmacopeial. Groups of plants have been identified that, in addition to medicinal, also have food (11 species from 9 families), honey (10 species from 8 families) and decorative value (67 species from 37 families). In the conditions of the Botanical Garden, all the presented species are long-lived, according to the duration of the existence of introduced populations, they are part of the biocollection for more than 10 years; most of the species are 30-40 years old; 69 species (92 %) exhibit introduction resistance, go through all phenological phases of development, form seeds.

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